Bus Accidents in Florida | What You Should Know

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Nationwide, nearly 63,000 buses are involved in traffic accidents each year, including 325 fatal injuries, 14,000 non-fatal injuries, and 48,000 that result in property damage only. Compared to other types of vehicles, the proportion of bus crashes is quite small. But that is small consolation if you or a loved one have already sustained injuries in a bus accident. Who can you hold responsible and for what? If you are asking yourself these very questions, please read on, then contact one of our experienced St. Petersburg mass transit accident attorneys to learn what you should know about bus accidents in Florida.

Are bus drivers liable for accidents in Florida?

Yes. As it so happens, you may file suit against the bus company as well. You see, bus companies are liable for crashes if they contributed, such as through improper employee training or poor bus maintenance. They are also liable for the actions of on-duty employees, including bus drivers and maintenance crews.

What types of injuries can you sustain in Florida bus accidents?

The list of injuries one might sustain in a Florida bus accident is long and varied. However, the most common types of injuries are as follows:

  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Amputations
  • Burns
  • Fractures

Victims can incur these injuries due to the following:

  • Hazardous weather conditions
  • Speeding
  • Reckless driving
  • Distracted driving
  • Tired driving
  • Drunk driving

If you or a loved one suffered any of the above-mentioned injuries, you should reach out to one of our skilled St. Petersburg, Florida personal injury attorneys to discuss what your next steps should be.

How can a St. Petersburg personal injury attorney help you?

Pursuing compensation after any sort of accident is a time-consuming hassle, but bus accidents are especially so. That is because all manner of corporate, municipal, and government entities could face accountability for your injuries. That said, they will not readily accept responsibility for their individual or collective negligence. They will point fingers, make excuses, or even blame you, the victim. A qualified legal professional from our firm will fight to protect your rights and keep the spotlight on the defendants. Please give us a call today, so we can handle the legal work.